The people of the Fleming Free Methodist Church are raising a standard in the community, serving the needs of the lost and hurting, and helping families grow in knowledge and love of the lord.
Weekly Church Services
Sunday School 9:30am
– Sunday School begins with an opening in the Sanctuary. Adult and age-level classes meet in designated classrooms.
Morning Worship 10:45am
– We provide a nursery available for children through age two. It is open during Sunday School and the Worship Service
Toddler Room
– We provide a special room for children through age five. It is open during Sunday School and the Worship Service
Children's Church
– We provide a Children's Church. After the Children's Sermon during Worship, children through grade six proceed to the basement for their own special worship activity.
Evening Service 6:00pm
Trackers, CLC and Youth meet every Wednesday from September through April at the Fleming Free Methodist Church from 7:00-8:00pm.
CLC is for children from the age of 3 years old through 6th grade.
The Youth Group is grades 7-12.
Women's Bible Study and Prayer
Men's Bible Study and Prayer
1st Saturday of every month we have Men’s Breakfast in the Fellowship Hall at 8am